Sun, Apple Tree, Moon, Bumble Bee (2001)

Toni’s debut as a songwriter. Recorded from 1998 – 2000 in Dingle, Ireland. With Greg Shean from Australia on percussion, the German Akki Schulz on double-bass, Mandy Senger on flute (today living in Sweden), Jon Sanders from GB / NZ, Andreas Glanz on drums (today living in France) and many more.


upcoming events

2025-04-01 | concert for children and families

(DE) Kitafest

  • where: Kita Zschopauknirpse, Döbeln Kita Zschopauknirpse, Döbeln
  • start: 09:30 AM

2025-05-15 | concert for children and families

(DE) Der Gedankengarten

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

  • where: Theater im Hof, Bozen / Bolzano (Italien) Theater im Hof, Bozen / Bolzano (Italien)
  • start: 05:00 PM

2025-05-16 | concert for children and families

(DE) Der Gedankengarten

  • where: Theater im Hof, Bozen / Bolzano (Italien) Theater im Hof, Bozen / Bolzano (Italien)
  • start: 05:00 PM